Hardback, Debarati Mukhopadhyay, Historical Fiction
Islam and is out for the blood of all Hindus. The tyranny unleashed by him has earned him the title of ‘Kalapahar’. But what is driving this brutality? Is it vengeance for some past scorn? Around the same time, Chaitanyadeb’s Vaishnav movement caused a ripple in society.While Kalapahar is on a rampage destroying Hindu heritage all over Bengal, he faces resistance from a force led by Raja Birhambir who is the independent guardian of Mallabhumi and is putting up a strong defense against the Pathan army of Kalapahar. After night falls, Birhambir is known as Dakat Raja. Why so? Debarati Mukhopadhyay takes us on an enthralling deep dive into our glorious and rich history. Merging facts and fiction, the author has painted an imagery so real and vivid that it transports us all back to the sixteenth century. A compelling page-turner.
ষষ্ঠদশ শতাব্দী ৷ দিল্লিতে প্রবল প্রতাপশালী মোঘল সম্রাট আকবর, বাংলার সুবেদার সুলেমান কররাণী ৷ তাঁর জামাতা ইসলাম ধর্ম গ্রহণ করে হয়ে উঠেছে এক হিংস্র দানব, দুর্বিষহ করে তুলেছে হিন্দুদের জীবন ৷ সে ‘কালাপাহাড়’ ৷ কিন্তু কেন ? কোন অপমান, যন্ত্রণায় তার এই জিঘাংসা ? এর কিছুদিন আগেই প্রয়াত হয়েছেন চৈতন্যদেব ৷ তাঁর প্রবর্তিত বৈষ্ণবধারা ঘটিয়ে দিয়েছে সামাজিক বিপ্লব৷ এমনই এক পটভূমিতে বিধৃত উপন্যাস ‘ডাকাতরাজা’, যার নায়ক মল্লভূমের স্বাধীন প্রজাপালক রাজা বীরহাম্বীর ৷ আবার রাতের আঁধারে তিনিই নাকি ডাকাতরাজা ! কেন ?… কালাপাহাড় বিশাল বাহিনী নিয়ে ধবংস করেছে উত্তরবঙ্গ ও কামরূপ, এবার তার লক্ষ্য উৎকল! সে প্রতিশোধ নেবে! তারপর?…কালাপাহাড়ের পূর্বধর্মের দুই স্ত্রী, তারা কোথায় হারিয়ে গেল?… ছুটে আসছে কালাপাহাড়ের দুর্ধর্ষ পাঠান ফৌজ…এবার লক্ষ্য বিষ্ণুপুর! তারপর?… বিস্মৃতপ্রায় মল্লরাজ্যের এক রোমাঞ্চকর আখ্যান ৷
Debarati Mukhopadhyay
Debarati Mukhopadhyay is presently one of the most popular authors of Bengali Literature.
A young Government Officer by profession, she rose to fame within a very short span and has written more than 20 bestseller novels like Ishwarer Antim Shwas, Dakatraja, Shikhandi, Ishwar Jakhan Bandi etc. Her novel ‘Narach’, an iconic period novel depicting Indentured Labourers of 19th Century, is highly acclaimed among readers and has been published by Harper Collins.
‘Swastik Sanket, a ‘Nazi Eugenics’ movie has been released which is based on her novel ‘Narak Sanket’.
Her Novel ‘Dashgupta Travels’, which is about the corporate world, Bengal entrepreneurs and Europe tourism has been shortlisted for ‘Sahitya Akademi Yuva Pursakar, 2021’.
Her Novel ‘Ranrkahini’ is being presently made into film by the most reputed production house of Eastern India. Her Novel ‘Shikhandi’ created a history when it was acquired for film within 24 hours of it’s publication.
Beside this, she contributes in Bengal’s prominent literary magazines and journals regularly. Her books are highly appraised by both critical and commercial readers. Each of her novel has knowledge enriched and USP of her writing is unique, quirky content with strong basis of immensely hard worked research, which pulled her up to this much popularity. Having lakhs of followers in social media, she voluntarily guides aspirants for Government job preparation.
A travel freak enthusiastic lady by nature, mom of an infant, an excellent orator, she motivates people through her way of positive thinking. She’s a regular speaker in esteemed educational and spiritual institutions of our country and often considered as youth icon of Bengal.
She has been conferred with prestigious Indian Express Devi Award, 2022, Tagore Samman, 2022 etc.
Debarati Mukhopadhyay
Debarati Mukhopadhyay is presently one of the most popular authors of Bengali Literature.
A young Government Officer by profession, she rose to fame within a very short span and has written more than 20 bestseller novels like Ishwarer Antim Shwas, Dakatraja, Shikhandi, Ishwar Jakhan Bandi etc. Her novel ‘Narach’, an iconic period novel depicting Indentured Labourers of 19th Century, is highly acclaimed among readers and has been published by Harper Collins.
‘Swastik Sanket, a ‘Nazi Eugenics’ movie has been released which is based on her novel ‘Narak Sanket’.
Her Novel ‘Dashgupta Travels’, which is about the corporate world, Bengal entrepreneurs and Europe tourism has been shortlisted for ‘Sahitya Akademi Yuva Pursakar, 2021’.
Her Novel ‘Ranrkahini’ is being presently made into film by the most reputed production house of Eastern India. Her Novel ‘Shikhandi’ created a history when it was acquired for film within 24 hours of it’s publication.
Beside this, she contributes in Bengal’s prominent literary magazines and journals regularly. Her books are highly appraised by both critical and commercial readers. Each of her novel has knowledge enriched and USP of her writing is unique, quirky content with strong basis of immensely hard worked research, which pulled her up to this much popularity. Having lakhs of followers in social media, she voluntarily guides aspirants for Government job preparation.
A travel freak enthusiastic lady by nature, mom of an infant, an excellent orator, she motivates people through her way of positive thinking. She’s a regular speaker in esteemed educational and spiritual institutions of our country and often considered as youth icon of Bengal.
She has been conferred with prestigious Indian Express Devi Award, 2022, Tagore Samman, 2022 etc.