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Chowdhury, Bhattacharya, Santra

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 Jibanbigyan O Paribesh Parichay (জীবনবিজ্ঞান ও পরিবেশ পরিচয়), class 10  is an authentic  Bengali version textbook  from the Santra Publication’s  Textbook series based on the class ten syllabus  of  Life science and Environment as prescribed by the Madhya Siksha Parshad or  the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE).

A peek into the inside of Jibanbigyan O Paribesh Parichay (জীবনবিজ্ঞান ও পরিবেশ পরিচয়), class 10:

  • Tools to represent important data – Tables, charts and flow charts to present important scientific data and processes have been provided to help students understand and retain information better. Figures to represent different organic compounds with bonds to help students understand mechanisms of different reactions better have been given. Relevant illustrations for explaining different biological structures have been added.
  • Concept presentation in Plant and Human Physiology chapters – Special care has been given while presenting important concepts related to plant physiological processes, like Movement, difference between Movement and locomotion apart from various types of movements like rotation,circulation have been explained with illustrations and examples.
  • In the chapter on neural coordination, Concepts of Binocular vision in man,Bipedal  locomotion in man etc., have been represented with relevant labelled diagrams and illustrations  for the students to understand better.
  • Sincere efforts have been put in keeping in mind the need of the students to treat various subtopics like lifecycle of Fern, criss -cross inheritance pattern, Monozygotic Twins, Holandric gene, Types of Haemophilia ,apart from detailed structure of chromosome with supporting authentic scientific diagrams, Different types of adaptations, Biosphere reserve ,Hotspots  etc.
  • Jibanbigyan O Paribesh Parichay (জীবনবিজ্ঞান ও পরিবেশ পরিচয়),class 10, has been designed to benefit the students of class ten of various Bengali medium schools throughout West Bengal

Santra Experts

It was 2001. The onset of a new Millennium. A middle-aged academician, who was loved by his students and respected by his peers, started treading a path that was not followed by his contemporaries. Actually he was following a dream. Better to say, he dared to fulfil a dream that he had been seeing since quite some time. It was the dream to impart quality education to the students. With a very frugal capital and only one title, the academic started a publishing house. And in just over two decades, the same publishing house is the fastest growing publisher of textbooks in the Bengali language market, one of the fastest growing publishers in West Bengal and Tripura, and the youngest publishing company to grow at a jet speed in the K12 segment. It all reads like a fairy tale when one looks at the impressive 300 plus list of titles the publishing house has to their credit.

Welcome to Santra Publication.


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About The Author

It was 2001. The onset of a new Millennium. A middle-aged academician, who was loved by his students and respected by his peers, started treading a path that was not followed by his contemporaries. Actually he was following a dream. Better to say, he dared to fulfil a dream that he had been seeing since quite some time. It was the dream to impart quality education to the students. With a very frugal capital and only one title, the academic started a publishing house. And in just over two decades, the same publishing house is the fastest growing publisher of textbooks in the Bengali language market, one of the fastest growing publishers in West Bengal and Tripura, and the youngest publishing company to grow at a jet speed in the K12 segment. It all reads like a fairy tale when one looks at the impressive 300 plus list of titles the publishing house has to their credit.

Welcome to Santra Publication.

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