
International Business- Competing in the Global Marketplace

By Hill Charles W. L / Hult G Tomas M /
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12th Edition (Paperback, Hill Charles W. L, Hult G Tomas M)

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"International Business, now in its twelfth edition, is a comprehensive and case oriented version of the text that lends itself to the core course in international business, especially for those courses that require a deeper focus on the global capital market, organization of an international business, international accounting, and international finance The book focuses on being current, relevant, application rich, accessible, and student focused and helps students understand the implications of international business on organizational strategy, structure, and functions in the context of the global marketplace. Salient Features: 1. New! 20 book end Integrated Cases 2. New! Incorporates value added globalEDGE features in every chapter 3. New! 18 new chapter opening cases 4. New! 18 new chapter closing cases 5. New! Sections on BREXIT, future of NAFTA, building a diverse global workforce, etc 6. Updated data and examples across the chapters 7. Expanded topics on Pseudo Democracies market based economy systems culture, values & norms, CSR sustainability, rise of regionalism, entry modes and global strategic alliances, etc."

Hill Charles W. L

Hill Charles W. L

Hult G Tomas M

Hult G Tomas M

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