
22 Years' Chapterwise Topicwise (2023-2002) JEE Main Solved Papers Mathematics Fourteenth Edition

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22 Years' Chapterwise Topicwise

  • Language: English
  • Binding: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9789358890181
  • Pages: 754
  • Genre: JEE ,
  • Publishers: Arihant Books

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BOOK STRUCTURE Entire syllabus coverage in 27 chapters BOOK FEATURES Collection of 22 Years� questions of JEE Main & AIEEE Formulated in a Chapterwise- Topicwise manner Key Idea provides hints to solve questions Preparation Strategy & Trend Analysis are given in each chapter Concept Enhancer provides a basic formula to apply in the solution Detailed & Accurate Solutions to all questions Provided an indication of the level of the exam WHY THIS BOOK? Revised and updated edition Get well-versed with the pattern as well as the level of the questions asked in the exam Highly useful to learn how to solve the questions objectively in the Exam TABLE OF CONTENT: Class 11: Sets, Relations and Functions, Trigonometric Functions, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations, Linear Inequalities, Permutations and Combinations, Binomial Theorem and Its Simple Applications, Sequence and Series, Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines, Conic Sections, Limits and Derivatives, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, Probability, Class 12: Relations and Functions, Inverse Trigonometric Functions, Matrices, Determinants, Continuity and Differentiability, Applications of Derivatives, Integrals, Application of Integrals, Differential Equations, Vector Algebra, Three Dimensional Geometry, Probability

Arihant's Authors

  • An editorial team of highly skilled professionals at Arihant, works hand in glove to ensure that the students receive the best and accurate content through our books. From inception till the book comes out from print, the whole team comprising of authors, editors, proofreaders and various other involved in shaping the book put in their best efforts, knowledge and experience to produce the rigorous content the students receive.Keeping in mind the specific requirements of the students and various examinations, the carefully designed exam oriented and exam ready content comes out only after intensive research and analysis. The experts have adopted whole new style of presenting the content which is easily understandable, leaving behind the old traditional methods which once used to be the most effective. They have been developing the latest content & updates as per the needs and requirements of the students making our books a hallmark for quality and reliability for the past 15 years.

Arihant's Authors

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About The Author

  • An editorial team of highly skilled professionals at Arihant, works hand in glove to ensure that the students receive the best and accurate content through our books. From inception till the book comes out from print, the whole team comprising of authors, editors, proofreaders and various other involved in shaping the book put in their best efforts, knowledge and experience to produce the rigorous content the students receive.Keeping in mind the specific requirements of the students and various examinations, the carefully designed exam oriented and exam ready content comes out only after intensive research and analysis. The experts have adopted whole new style of presenting the content which is easily understandable, leaving behind the old traditional methods which once used to be the most effective. They have been developing the latest content & updates as per the needs and requirements of the students making our books a hallmark for quality and reliability for the past 15 years.

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